
國際鐵路聯盟 (UIC) 對「高速鐵路」的說法

有人提出「按國際鐵路聯盟 (UIC) 的定義,新建鐵路最高時速需達 250 km/h 或以上才算『高速鐵路』,廣深港高鐵香港段最高時速只有 200 km/h ,所以不算『高速鐵路』」的說法。 UIC 的取向是以鐵路系統的整體設計,包括基建、車輛、運作等的角度去判斷一個鐵路系統是否為「高速鐵路」,以反映現時有多套不同定義的實況。現轉載一篇 UIC 討論「高速鐵路」的定義的文章供參考,原文見於

General definitions of highspeed

We have deliberately used the word "definition" in the plural because there is no single standard definition of high speed rail (nor even a standard usage of the term: sometimes it is called "high speed" and sometimes "very high speed"). The definitions vary according to the criteria used since high speed rail corresponds to a complex reality. We on the UIC High Speed Taskforce wanted to reflect this diversity by considering high speed from all the standpoints: infrastructure, rolling stock and operating.

First of all there is the European Union definition, given in Directive 96/48; this is a fairly broad definition which encompasses a large number of systems under the banner of high speed.

But it is also necessary to take into account those railways which are making laudable efforts to provide high speed despite a basis of old infrastructure and technology which is far removed from that employed by the railways of western Europe.

At all events, high speed is a combination of all the elements which constitute the "system": infrastructure (new lines designed for speeds above 250 km/h and upgraded lines for speeds up to 200 or even 220 km/h, some worked with tilting trains, some not), rolling stock and operating conditions. In view of the fact that many high speed trains are also compatible with the conventional network, the term "high speed traffic" is also frequently understood to signify the movements of this type of train on conventional lines but at speeds lower than those permitted on the new high speed infrastructure. Consequently, on some lines which are claimed to be high speed lines it is very difficult to specify a threshold when, in certain very densely populated regions, the speed is restricted to 110 km/h in order to avoid noise nuisance, or where, as in special tunnel sections or on long bridges, the speed is limited to 160 or 180 km/h for obvious reasons associated with capacity or safety. Finally, in many countries where the performance of the conventional railway is not very high, the introduction of some trains capable of operating at 160 km/h and offering a significant level of quality - often as a first step towards a future genuinely high speed service - may already be considered as high speed.

The highspeed definition of the Europeen Union :


1. Infrastructure

a) The infrastructure of the trans-European High Speed system shall be that on the trans- European transport network identified in Article 129C of the Treaty:

    • those built specially for High Speed travel,
    • those specially upgraded for High Speed travel. They may include connecting lines, in particular junctions of new lines upgraded for High Speed with town centre stations located on them, on which speeds must take account of local conditions.

b) High Speed lines shall comprise:

    • Specially built High Speed lines equipped for speeds generally equal to or greater than 250 km/h,
    • Specially upgraded High Speed lines equipped for speeds of the order of 200 km/h,
    • Specially upgraded High Speed lines which have special features as a result of topographical, relief or town-planning constraints, on which the speed must be adapted to each case.

2. Rolling stock

The High Speed advanced-technology trains shall be designed in such a way as to guarantee safe, uninterrupted travel:

    • at a speed of at least 250 km/h on lines specially built for High Speed, while enabling speeds of over 300 km/h to be reached in appropriate circumstances,
    • at a speed of the order of 200 km/h on existing lines which have been or are specially upgraded,
    • at the highest possible speed on other lines.

3. Compatibility of infrastructure and rolling stock

High Speed train services presuppose excellent compatibility between the characteristics of the infrastructure and those of the rolling stock. Performance levels, safety, quality of service and cost depend upon that compatibility.


文章大意謂現時並無對「高速鐵路」的統一定義,而要判斷一鐵路系統是否屬「高速鐵路」亦要由基建、車輛、運作等的角度去考慮。一般而言,「高速鐵路線」是指時速高於 250 km/h 的新建鐵路線,或時速高於 200 km/h - 220 km/h ,經改造的路線。同時,「高速列車」也可以在普通鐵路上以較低速度運行。一些沿線人口密度高,或是經過橋樑、隧道的「高速路線」,因噪音或安全問題,設計速度可能較低,因此很難制定一個水平規定何謂「高速鐵路」。在普通鐵路速度不高的國家,運行速度達 160 km/h 且提供較高服務水平的列車亦可能稱作「高速列車」。

由此可見,「高速鐵路」的定義並不是建基於固定的速度等級,而是可因地制宜,只要該鐵路系統能提供比既有鐵路更快速、更高水平的服務,都應該能稱為「高速鐵路」。在歐洲,普通鐵路線的列車都可以以 160 km/h 以上的速度運行,為了和普通鐵路區分,「高速鐵路」的速度標準自然會較高。在日本,普通鐵路的速度少有超過 130 km/h 的,新幹線的速度不一定能超過 240 km/h ,但仍能提供比普通鐵路更快捷的服務,也沒有甚麼否定新幹線是「高速鐵路」的聲音。現時香港只有通勤鐵路系統,行車速度最高是 135 km/h ,速度雖不慢,但因通勤鐵路需頻繁停車,全程平均車速仍不高。「廣深港高鐵香港段」的最高速度可達 200 km/h ,乘坐高鐵列車前往內地明顯地比其他現有交通工具要快,還能接駁時速 250 km/h - 350 km/h 的鐵路網絡,列車亦為專門設計供高速行車的車輛。從乘客的角度來說,相比其他的鐵路線,高鐵能夠明顯縮短往返內地的車程,而車上服務水平也有明顯提昇。從各方面來看,說「廣深港高鐵香港段」是「高速鐵路」並不為過。

